Puppies definitely require a great deal of quality nourishment.
Power Eating for Power Building
Puppies demand different needs than adult dogs in their food requirements. They need more calorie-dense food with more frequent feeding to grow. Every part of their body, internal and external, from bones, muscles and joints to brain, teeth and fur is developing at a rapid pace.
White Widow Labradors feeds Fromm Puppy Gold to both the puppies and their Mothers and feed this until they are 18 months of age. www.frommfamily.com.
Many Vets believe a solid puppy food formula will contain about 30 percent protein with additional vitamins and minerals. Most puppy food will also be high in fat content because this increases the animal’s energy level so growth is maintained. However, what is great food for developing puppies is not such a good option for adult dogs. High calorie, fatty food for grownup dogs can lead to obesity and other associated health issues.
Your puppy should continue to eat puppy food until they are almost grown. For most dogs it means after they reach 1 year of age. Labrador retrievers and other large breeds may take longer. Work with your veterinarian to decide when to move on to adult maintenance food.
Puppies should also eat more often with three or four feedings a day, but this can slow down to two or three as they age. By six months, feedings may slow to twice a day in most cases. Discuss this feeding schedule with your vet to get his or her recommendations. Once young dogs leave behind puppyhood, the transition to adult maintenance food may require a mixed bowl of familiar puppy and adult feed. Gradually, less puppy food would be used until the young dog has switched entirely to the new feed.
Fromm it's a no brainer.
Puppy owners often face a huge dilemma in trying to pick just the right foods because there are about as many kinds, brands and varieties of puppy food as there are flavors of ice cream. Dry? Organic? Moist? Brand Name? New puppy parents may feel overwhelmed as they try to find the one, right, perfect, nutritious chow for the puppy.
Some owners and vets prefer dry food because they feel it may offer a bigger bang for the buck with more protein, less cost and better dental benefits. They also believe it is also more digestible, which makes for easier elimination and pooper scooper pickup. However, not all experts agree that dry versus wet is the best option so make sure to ask your vet these questions.
Packaging information on puppy food should also list proper amounts to feed the animal. Most experts recommend puppies and dogs be fed on a regular schedule, but not to leave access to food available continually. I would suggest you remove food dishes about 10-20 minutes after feeding. This way the dog recognizes you and the one in charge of the pack.
Conditioning your dog to not expect food immediately upon your arrival home from work or outside outings will lessen problems with separation anxiety in many cases. Take a few minutes to connect with the dog first by playing, petting, holding, or grooming and then feed them.
Fromm's premium foods will come with a higher price tag, but it will also factor in some solid benefits. A higher nutritional value will equate to feeding less to reach proper nourishment levels.
Less food equals less poop.
It will also have a much better ingredient list over most cheaper brands because it will not vary from batch to batch. Fromm also spends extensively on on-going research and development to keep upgrading formulas for a dog’s best interests.
Bad for the Big Bones
Owners of large breed puppies must consider another risk for their fur babies connected to developmental orthopedic diseases like hip dysplasia (an improperly developed ball and socket joint that rubs and grinds rather than sliding smoothly) and others. An abnormal, rapid growth rate in these animals can increase the chances of acquiring these conditions. Pet owners should look for puppy food designed by reputable companies, especially for these breeds.
One recent study emphasizes large breeds are more likely to develop skeletal and joint problems and overfeeding increases these odds. Evidence suggests keeping control of a large breed puppy’s weight from the start may help prolong arthritis and orthopedic issues until much later in a dog’s lifespan.
The proper food in conjunction with proper exercise ...just like you and me.
When in doubt ask your vet.
Pick a feather!