Several years ago while in South Dakota, and in one of the hottest times I can ever remember hunting pheasant there, dozens of dogs died from this little know killer simply by drinking the standing water in stock ponds.
Lets investigate - Leptospirosis is a disease that dogs contract from drinking water from less-than-quality sources outdoors, and it can make your dog very very sick – or even kill it.
Lepto is a bacterial infection that enters the bloodstream typically through the mucous membranes, the tissues that line the nose, mouth and eyes.

The bacteria left in your hunting, training, or dog park areas from the urine of animals that either carry the disease or have been sick from it. Dogs can also become infected when their noses - in the pursuit of game only to pull in remnants of some other animals urine along with the deadly bacteria.
In the instance that I mention from my personal experience, it was contracted by the hunting dogs from drinking stagnant water from stock ponds in the Mitchell area of South Dakota. Once a dog has it - it can also pass it on to other dogs during what they call a carrier phase, passing the bacteria along in their urine.
Things to watch for:
Lethargic behavior
Increased water intake
If you see a big increase in these areas seek immediate veterinary attention for your dog. as without this you stand a chance of liver failure, kidney failure, or both..
Stay out of hot summer stagnate ponds, leash that dog and have eyes wide open with your pets behavior.
Summer training is fun - just be smart about it.
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