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Why is regular mental and physical exercise important for you and your dog?

Writer: The Widow MakerThe Widow Maker

Updated: Oct 13, 2019

Right now the weather certainly doesn’t feel like fall, but hunting season will be here before you know it. And, like it or not, now is the time to prepare for those fall trips and to make sure you and your dog are ready.

You might have the best hunting spots and the nicest shotgun, but if you or your dog isn’t ready, what does it matter? 

Here are five things WWL does to get ready for fall. Happy hiking, hunting, or whatever you do with your Labrador!

1.  Check weight.

This is crucial in many ways. Being overweight neither of you can perform your best in the field and could get yourselves in trouble with overexertion, especially in extreme heat. A crash diet isn’t the best answer. Rather you or your dog’s weight slowly.

2.  Check health.

Lingering parasites and bacteria that don’t cause problems normally could become issues when your dog is stressed. At a minimum, get a stool sample checked by your vet for giardia, coccidia and worms. You need to make sure you are good to go too, get a physical, and take care of anything that might be bothering you physically.

The sooner the better.

3.  Start a conditioning program.

It takes a good 6 – 8 weeks of regular exercise to get you and your dog in shape. Start slowly with moderate exercise and progress to more strenuous routines as you both improve.  Conditioning in the cooler part of the day will provide the most benefit for both of you.

4.  Make time for training sessions.

Schedule training sessions to tune-up your dog on obedience and bird work. Expect your dog to be a little rusty. Don’t try to get all the training done in one or two sessions. Short sessions spread over a period of time will give the best results—and keep your dog happy and motivated, too! It will also help you see your dog work and help recreate the working bond you had the past year.

5.  Check your gear.

 Make sure your gear and your dog’s gear is in good working order. Better yet, technology improves all the time and perhaps it’s time to upgrade to newer equipment. Buy now and you’ll still have time to learn how it operates.

Have fun and pick a feather!

Challenge: White Widow Labrador climbing wood piles to find the dummy
Keep your Labrador interested by creating new challenges when out at about


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